Croft Pink Port – A Summer Treat

Anybody who knows me will be aware that my treat drink of choice is a lovely glass of port. No worrying about pairings of food or dishes, except maybe wondering where the port is when having a cheese and biscuits course.

A full bodied port to wind down the day or to celebrate with friends is definitely a treat I enjoy, but there is much more out there than the traditional ruby port that we all know and love.

A lot of people think of port as a festive drink or a drink for the end of a great meal. But rose port is one for the summer days, a more refreshing port that keeps a sense of what it is fundamental, but brings out tall, summer drink vibes with smoothness, fruitiness and lightness.

Scary for the traditionalists out there for sure, but a joy for those who love variety on their palate. Fun, fruity and perhaps more enjoyable to some.

croft rose port label

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